Saturday, February 28, 2009

Joba is starting on YES

The first televised game of the year is on YES today.

Joba is starting. I'll be back later after watching. The team is using a lineup pretty close to what I expect to see opening week with Nick Swisher in RF, Melky in CF.
In the middle of the first, Joba is getting hit pretty hard as he is a little wild high.

Go Yankees


I Hate Commercials said...

I didn't get a chance to catch the game, but I just saw they got smoked. What happened??

Da Old Man said...

@ I Hate: Joba got hit as he was throwing high, but then Geiss came in and got lit up.

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Downtown, New Jersey, United States
Yankees fan. But the team hasn't been the same since Yogi retired. TV watching expert. Manly man.